Thursday 9 November 2017

Stranger Things 2

Who you gonna trick or treat?
The first season of Stranger Things was a runaway success, a wonder of American Gothic television that built on familiar influences to make something fresh and unique. And now it’s back and strangerer than ever. And just as good. Like seriously. Just. As. Good.

With a handful of new additions and an upping of the stakes in terms of the big bad boss level danger, season two drops us back in Hawkins, Indiana to hang out with those meddling kids again. And those meddling adolescents. And those meddling grown-ups. Can you tell I’m trying to go spoiler free here?

The boys at the heart of it all are a year older, slightly more disparate as a group but only because puberty beckons not because they’re less tight than before. It’s not really a spoiler to say Eleven is also back as she’s been plastered all over the promo material for this season. She’s becoming increasingly aware of her abilities but also learning more about the kind of normal life an upbringing in a military complex denied her.

Samwise Gamgee is also around only he’s not here because he was a Hobbit but because long before his feet went all huge and hairy he was a Goonie. Yes they nod to it, the Duffer Brothers were never going to be able to resist nerding out over such a casting coup.

Will, who spent so much of the first season present by his absence is front and centre this time around and it’s fair to say his experiences in the Upside Down have left a mark.

Conspiracy theories are probed, teen love further explored, bad haircuts invoked, arcade games played, Indiana Jones’s hat continues to adorn the police chief’s head, Eleven’s history is developed and she connects to a deeper past, Winona Ryder is still awesome and still looks in need of several large dinners, tricking and treating looks a whole lot scarier than it does in the scenes from ET that are obviously being referenced.

Just watch it. You’ll be very glad you did. And then watch the nerd fest that is Beyond Stranger Things and learn stuff about the actors, writers and director as they chitter chat with some uber geek who is probably famous for uber geeking in the US but I’d never heard of him cos I’m just a stupid Limey.

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