Friday 23 December 2016

X Men: Apocalypse

Personally I'd have called this episode in the lives of everyone's favourite mutants (or most hated, sorry Magneto) "How The Professor Lost His Lustrous Hair". Fortunately for everyone I'm not a Hollywood scriptwriter and it's called Apocalypse instead.

But it's not just a coming apocalypse, it's the Apocalypse, the originator of the term, the main man when it comes to mayhem. And he's been stuck under tons of rubble for centuries which would put a crimp on most people's day so no wonder he wants to destroy the living heck out of everything.

He supercharges the powers of some minor mutants (Ben from Eastenders with steel wings anyone?) and one already big and one eventually to become more important character - Magneto and Storm to you and me - and captures Professor X so that we know he's proper evil, not just a bit of a bad guy.

So, a little like First Class, it's up to the kids to kick Apocalypse's ugly face in. Well the kids and Mystique and Beast. Lots of the mutants trying to save the world and Prof X's hair are blue so presumably none of them voted for Trump. Trump better not piss them off, they've got tremendous powers, tremendous.

While the younger versions of Cyclops and Jean Gray are well played and Jennifer Laurence tries hard to learn a third facial expression, the movie is more memorable for the action and effects than the script and character interaction. The obligatory shots of world landmarks being destroyed have a slightly new spin courtesy of Apocalypse souping up Magneto's skills so he can manipulate the magnetic forces of the planet and turn all metal things into a stroppy giant gyroscope.

Apocalypse wants to regenerate into Xavier's body which would give him the power to control every living soul on Earth. Can Nightcrawler manage to avoid being distracted by also having been in Slow West with Fassbender and save the professor? Well yes, just about, but not his hair, which all falls off as the transference begins but is not finished.

But Apocalypse isn't finished yet. Oh no. He has a mental punch up with Xavier (like in their minds, not as an adjective, although that works too) and the combined forces of the younglings can't stop the ancient bastard. Enter Jean Gray, unleashing her full powers for the first time. Oh boy, she's super destructy, isn't she? She could probably use that sort of power later on in life. Or earlier on in a previous film.

Avengers, Batman v Superman with all manner of added freaks, X Men - gangs of super powered heroes are big box office news these days. The comics they originally came from first appeared in troubled political times when the world needed heroes. Perhaps we're back to that future, or is that a different type of film altogether?

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