Monday 20 March 2017

The Rack Pack

Well today's  movie can best be described as a curio. It's about world matchplay snooker, as far as I am aware only the second of its kind after the weirdly wonderful 'Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire' This however is a biopic set around wild boy Alex Higgins and socially inept Steve Davis and reads like a tabletop Hunt Vs Lauda, but with a completely different set of balls. Inexplicably I had a bit of a thing about snooker during the time this is set so I kinda relate to it, but just like ‘Rush’, and indeed every other sports related movie I can think of, the script takes some liberties with the historical events to adrenaline up what is essentially a bunch of men nudging balls around a table with little sticks. If you look behind the rather overblown personalities however it rather effectively shows the transformation of a slightly seedy niche game into a money spinning televised ‘sport’.  

What really lets this movie down is the Danny Dyersville acting. From Luke Treadaway’s angst ridden Alex Higgins and Will Merrick’s fright wigging Steve Davis, the cast stomp around the script like toddlers in Doc Martins. Surely the BBC and the UK can do better than this for thespy talent? The only person who comes out of this with any kind of distinction is Kevin Bishop as svengali/manager Barry Hearn. Overall an experience that slices a yellow rather than pots a black.

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