Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Program

Well Lance Armstrong did say they would make a movie about him one day, but I suspect he anticipated just a wee bit more creative control over its content and tone at the time. What we get here is Lance becoming a Wewy wewy bad boy, apparently because he was the wrong shape to be a wewy wewy good boy, and all of this while battling cancer, and being determined to be dressed in a very unflattering shade of yellow. To be honest I don't think it would have bothered the distributors either way, but this flick sure didn’t do the cause any favours. Interesting story cobbled by rather lacklustre and uneven tele-movie scripting, and cinematography that simply doesn’t do the subject justice. Now I’m no cycling nut, but I have seen live coverage and docu footage of Tour that is absolutely thrilling. These shots are so flat they almost level the sneckin’ Alps. There are a whole bunch of Stephen Frears directed movies I like bigly, and his name on top was a reason I picked this up. Boy does he mislay a testicle on this one.
 There are a few deviations from the Armstrong story we may have picked up through some kind of tabloid cultural osmosis, even if we thought a peloton was a slightly comedic lookin’ bird   For example Cheryl Crow fans might be disappointed that she has been washed out of the tale, though I’m pretty damned sure the lady herself ensured she wasn’t mortified on celluloid. Every day might be a winding road, but who the hell needs to build their own chicanes?
Ben Foster plays speedy speedo Lance, but despite the promo’s hailing the performance as ‘gripping’ the only things being gripped in this is the occasional handlebar and syringe.  Chris O’Dowd is up as doggedly persistent journo nemesis David Walsh, but despite his best efforts I don’t feel he was the best casting for the role, while why Dustin Hoffman agreed to be in this initially baffled me, but then I remembered that Mr. Mumbles agreed to be in 'The Cobbler' and 'The Fokkers' movies, and realized that he can do all this stuff in second gear

This movie kinda sucks. Not in a big shouty way, but in that way that sneaks up on you about 15 minutes in, just long enough to resent the shit out of it for not being so bad that someone warned you…

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