Sunday 8 January 2017

Sherlock: The Lying Detective

How do you solve a problem like John Watson not wanting to have anything to do with Sherlock Holmes any more because of that business with Watson's wife taking a bullet for the detective and being all dead afterwards? Apparently you solve it by going back on hardcore drugs, if you're Sherlock. Apparently.

Many things are revealed in this episode. Mrs Hudson has a smoking hot car and can drive like a madwoman. Mycroft Holmes might even stoop into human behaviour enough to consider illicit liaisons now and then. Watson talks to the visible apparition of his dead wife. This last is a plot device. It's not something he did when she was alive, obviously. It's a way of enabling the audience to keep up with nuances of the storyline even in the absence of the traditional conversations where Watson is perplexed and Holmes shows off by explaining how incredibly boring it is that no one else understands what he does.

Watson isn't perplexed. He's angry. Holmes isn't showing off. He's stoned out of his fucking mind. And taking to Twitter to accuse Toby Jones of being a serial killer. Jones plays a character not entirely unlike Jimmy Savile in some respects - creepy, philanthropic, fingers in many pies, high profile public figure, up to no good and some people know about it - but he's also the Dream Lord from Matt Smith's first season as Doctor Who. And Dobby's voice. And a detectorist. Only he's none of those other things in this, he's just some greasy millionaire businessman Sherlock wants to take down. Despite being stoned out of his fucking mind.

It all gets a bit out of hand. Watson and Holmes are reunited and hang out with Dobby, I mean Mr Smith (not Matt Smith, Toby Jones's character with a posh, implausible first name) but it's not a very comfortable time, what with Sherlock being all 'you're a serial killer' in Smith's grill and Smith being all "bitch I'm not" and Watson being all "Sherlock you're stoned out of your fucking mind" and punching him a lot. A real heck of a lot.

Which means Sherlock is in this odd hospital that Smith has fingers in (now that's very Savile, eh?) being treated for drug addledness and the results of punchings. And this is where Smith wants him as he can now try to kill him. Because guess what bitches, he IS a serial killer. And Sherlock records his confession with a walking stick. Honest, he does. And John saves him because he's now seen the same DVD of Mary telling Sherlock to save John from himself that ended last week's episode and realises Holmes was trying to make the Doctor save him to save himself. Confused? You won't be. I wasn't.

Loose ends. The bus woman from last week. Turns out that John didn't do the wild thing with her, just texted her and thought about doing the wild thing with her. Which he confesses to the not actually there apparition of Mary in front of Sherlock. Like you do. And then he goes back to his new therapist who turns out to be various other people from both episodes. Oh and Mycroft and Sherlock's sister. Then she shoots John in the face. And credits happen so we don't know if he's dead and have to watch next week. Clever that.

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